about 2 months ago, Lindsay Richardson
5th grade took advantage of this beautiful weather and went outside to get some reading time in! ☀️
about 2 months ago, Lindsay Richardson
about 2 months ago, Lindsay Richardson
Please join us in celebrating our student's successes!
2 months ago, Lindsay Richardson
Wolfe City Elementary - BREAK into SPRING with a pajama day tomorrow as a thank you and celebration for completing benchmark testing and the 3rd 9 weeks of the 23-24 academic school year!!
2 months ago, CASEY WILLABY
pajama day
Elementary made the most of the beautiful weather today! 🌞
2 months ago, Lindsay Richardson
WCES celebrated Maintenance Workers' Day by gifting the crew that keeps our school in top-top shape with snacks. Thank you for all you do for our staff, students, and campus!
2 months ago, Lindsay Richardson
Next week, the elementary will be benchmark testing. Our campus will be closed to visitors during school hours March 4th-7th. Please help ensure your 3rd-5th graders get good rest each night, a healthy breakfast, and a calm morning to help promote their success. Thank you for your collaboration in helping our scholars be successful! The test schedule is as follows: Monday - Reading (3rd, 4th, and 5th graders) Tuesday - Science (5th graders) and NAEP (some 4th graders - notifications were sent home the week of 02/12 if your child was selected to participate in this assessment) Wednesday - Math (3rd, 4th, and 5th graders) Thursday - Makeups Friday - Data Dig - no school for students
3 months ago, CASEY WILLABY
Check out last week's Celebrities! Congratulations!
3 months ago, Lindsay Richardson
We have our first student who has received TWO positive office referrals as well as two more students who earned their first one! All of these students demonstrated incredible leadership choices. Please congratulate and celebrate these awesome wolves with us!
3 months ago, CASEY WILLABY
positive office referral
positive office referrals
Let's celebrate Dr. Seuss!
3 months ago, Lindsay Richardson
Join WC Elementary and ACE for a funfilled night with pizza, information about ESL and Title 1, and the opportunity to visit your child's classroom to see what they've been learning about! Please see the Open House QR code to sign up for pizza, and if you are interested in participating in the ACE Planting Party, dont forget to use the code on their flyer.
3 months ago, Lindsay Richardson
open house
5th grade earned a pickle party at the park for achieving their math goal on their multiplying and dividing fractions math test! 💙 Setting goals and crushing them!
3 months ago, Lindsay Richardson
5th grade
5th grade
Say, "Cheese!" 📷 Spring pictures will be taken next week on February 27th.
3 months ago, Lindsay Richardson
picture day
Congratulations to our "Celebrities of the Week" last week!
3 months ago, Lindsay Richardson
4th grade has been busy using their creativity to build and label ecosystem dioramas!
3 months ago, Lindsay Richardson
4th Grade Science
Please join us on March 4th for our Open House and Family Engagement Night!
3 months ago, Lindsay Richardson
Open House
Our elementary students celebrated the 100th day of school last week! Our kindergarten friends helped by putting on a parade. 🥳
3 months ago, Lindsay Richardson
Congratulations to last week's Celebrities of the Week. We are proud of you!!!!
3 months ago, Melia Garner
Congratulations to each of our WCES Growing Great Writers award recipients for the month of January! #GrowingGreatness #WCES
3 months ago, Angi Anderson
GGW January